Issue 5, August 10- August 23, 2016
This newspaper is just about starting its journey. This is our fifth issue and we are yet to complete two months of publishing. But in our very short life-span, we have discovered one thing already.
When you talk to Mayors, ministers, and even the Prime Minister, everyone is clear on one thing.
“Migration has huge economic benefits to New Zealand.”
But somehow this message, which the policy-makers and people in positions of power emphasise every time, is not reaching the masses.
And if it's reaching, it's not very loud and clear.
That's why it's heartening when we find business leaders such as Peter Townsend, chief executive of the Canterbury Employers' Chamber of Commerce [page six], who have coined a special term – enlightened companies – for those firms who have realised the importance of migrant workforce in New Zealand.
An important development during the last fortnight was the end of the public consultation process of the draft Multicultural Strategy of Christchurch City Council. While we wait for the final strategy to come out in September, kudos to all the City Council staff [especially Ester Vallero] who have put their heart and soul in the entire exercise.
We have a special story on page five this time, on the citizenship ceremony held along side the 160th anniversary celebrations of Christchurch. With people from 12 different nationalities [including Bulgaria, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Britain, Colombia, US, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Philippines, and Sri Lanka] becoming New Zealanders officially, it shows – as the minister Peter Dunne aptly put - “the increasing melting pot nature of New Zealand”.
A final mention is about the Prime Minister John Key's interview that you must have already read in the preceding pages. Do find the nearest wifi, scan the QR code and watch the full video of the conversation. It's more fun that way.
PS: For those interested in knowing the detailed history of human migration, as well as the why, how, and what of it, please have a read of April 9, 2016, issue of the widely-popular and hugely-respected magazine New Scientist.
Two figures quoted in the magazine's article caught my attention.
• “US$356 billion will be the boost to world GDP by 2025 if immigration increased workforces in high-income countries by 3 percent”.
• “US$39-$117 trillion will be the estimated boost to world GDP if all barriers to migration fell”.